Personal training
PERSONAL TRAINING is a session where the instructor tailors exercises to the participant's level, taking into account their fitness, age, and body composition. An individual program is created, which outlines the most effective path to achieving the desired goal: body shaping, improving physical fitness, and health prevention.
A well-suited training plan allows individuals to derive great enjoyment from physical activity, teaches body awareness, boosts energy levels, and reduces the effects of daily stress.
For everyone
Individuals who are beginners will learn the correct execution of exercises, gain knowledge about training principles, and get to know their bodies.
Advanced individuals who have been training for a longer time but are complaining about a lack of results will benefit from a fresh perspective from an expert to help achieve their desired form and appearance.
Those who have recovered from illnesses or injuries will receive specific health-promoting exercises, such as those that strengthen the spine, shoulder girdle, and knee after an injury, as well as exercises to correct postural defects.
Individuals struggling with motivation will find that a personal trainer can help by skillfully motivating them to exercise and showing pathways to achieving a beautiful physique.
Endurance training
Endurance training, also known as aerobic training, cardio, or oxidative training.
Examples: Nordic walking, cycling, swimming, running.
Goal: To improve the endurance of the entire body. It strengthens the cardiovascular system: the walls of the heart muscle become stronger, circulation improves, lung capacity increases, and the aerobic threshold is raised. Overall physical fitness is enhanced.
Strength training
Strength training, also known as resistance training, weight training, or mass training.
Examples: Weightlifting, bodybuilding, CrossFit, powerlifting.
Goal: To improve muscular strength primarily by increasing muscle mass (muscle cross-section). Strength training adapts muscles for anaerobic work, enhances the endurance of tendons and ligaments, and strengthens the skeletal system.
Balance and coordination training
This type of training focuses on developing movement patterns, primarily targeting the nervous system.
Participants learn the correctness and precision of movements, improving their sense of balance, coordination, speed, and reaction time to stimuli.
Relaxation training
Relaxation training aims to relax and increase the flexibility of muscles, joints, and ligaments.
This type of activity can be divided into two areas: meditation (mental, spiritual, and psychological training) and various stretching exercises.